Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Trapped by the Box (Blog)

A laptop computer with the screen showing prison cell bars and a young lady trying to escape from behind them. She is wearing a blue dress and has long brown hair. She looks scared and desperate. The laptop is on a wooden desk with some papers and a pen. The background is a dark room with a window and a curtain.

 In reading this blog you will links taking you to blogs  I no longer have access to due to antique software and lost passwords, in part due to a serious computer failure and a failure in keeping proper backed up records. 

Trapped by the Box


The most significant of these is the blog "Trapped by the Box" in which the mission statement reads: 


We are all, both individually and as a society, trapped by boxes - some physical, some mental. Some of these boxes are built from our childhood experiences, some from the customs and beliefs of the society in which we live, some are imposed by the technology we use, and ultimately we cannot escape the planet on which we live. 


The aim of this site is to look creatively at some of the issues involved and present them in an educational and educational way. So I will include posts about ways that technology (and particularly computers) affect our lives and also the social and political issues that limit our actions. In addition I plan to continue my Science Limericks and post pictures I find attractive or thought provoking under the heading "Captured  by the Camera."


Dedicated to the memory of my daughters Lucy and  Belinda


This blog contains many referenced to CODIL, the evolution of intelligence, and the "black hole" in our understanding the brain. These were mainly my initial thoughts before I realised that the original CODIL software could be interpreted as a map of a network,  and as a result many of these issues will be updated in this blog. 

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